Kayak Help Needed

Skippers, the reality of sailing model yachts is that at some time or another they will not be able to make it back to shore without help.  Essentially, you can’t have a sailboat regatta without a rescue boat.

MmMYC has been fortunate in that Jim Linville has kept the Club Kayak at his house and has brought it whenever MmMYC has a sailing event, AND he has been doing it for many, many years.  It has been a burden that Jim has happily carried, but he can’t do it anymore.

The Club needs a volunteer (or volunteers) with a truck or van to take over this responsibility.  It’s not hard, but it is a commitment.  The Club will ensure you have a car rack if needed.

The Club is also working on some alternative rescue methods that may not require a Kayak, but until they become a reality, we will still need the Kayak.  If we can’t find someone to help, we may have to curtail some of our sailing.

Please contact me or Jim Linville or John Lamport if you are willing to help, or if you have questions.


Cliff Martin,

Commodore, MmMYC